Has opened my eyes and heart to become a woman beyond compare
Before you watch the videos for each “CHANGE ROOM” please read the applicable chapter from SONG OF SONGS.
This seminar can be done:
• By a woman on her own.
• with friends in a home group setting.
• In a seminar setting. Having watched the videos together, we suggest the ladies gather in small groups of about 7 to discuss and work through the assignments.
The application of these principles will set in motion dramatic changes if applied diligently. Suggested structure to follow:
• watch the online session together or on your own at home.
• Come together for discussion time (A time to help expand the understanding and application of each principle as you answer the
questions provided.)
• Personal reflection time
In each session there is a time for you to reflect on how to apply these principles in a practical way. The more you faithfully apply these principles in your life, the more you will get out of this journey.